Operational river data management for oceanography represents many constraints and challenges, e.g. sparse data in national/regional webpages sometimes only in local language; global databases that provide historic data flows but lack of near real time data; water level data without flow curve for conversion into river flow; river runoff reaching the coastal area is unavailable or unmonitored for many rivers. This is an increasing problem in the current context of a global decline of the hydrometric networks (Mishra and Coulibaly, 2009). The objectives of BOOS/EMODnet river data WG (RiverDWG) are i) identify the main river inputs and the institutions responsible for setting up and maintaining the hydrological networks; ii) select the most reliable stations near the coastal area; iii) coastal/ocean local experts contribution is important; iv) provide the river observations in a one stop shop and with a common format and metadata information.
The River data will be provided on a daily and monthly basis as commonly done in other in situ data services.

Figure 1. River data providers in the Baltic Sea
For more details:
- 2020/21 RiverDWG Annual report
- 2021/22 RiverDWG activity summary
- 2022/23 2021/22 RiverDWG activity summary
- Member presentations & publications